1. 검색 "unity wiki generic singleton" 으로 찾은 제너릭 싱글턴 ( 탬플릿 ) 코드
: 쓰레드 세이프 및 에디터에서 어플리케이션 종료 후 비정상 행동까지 방지하게 구현 되어 있다.
using UnityEngine;
/// Inherit from this base class to create a singleton.
/// e.g. public class MyClassName : Singleton {}
public class Singleton : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoBehaviour
// Check to see if we're about to be destroyed.
private static bool m_ShuttingDown = false;
private static object m_Lock = new object();
private static T m_Instance;
/// Access singleton instance through this propriety.
public static T Instance
if (m_ShuttingDown)
Debug.LogWarning("[Singleton] Instance '" + typeof(T) +
"' already destroyed. Returning null.");
return null;
lock (m_Lock)
if (m_Instance == null)
// Search for existing instance.
m_Instance = (T)FindObjectOfType(typeof(T));
// Create new instance if one doesn't already exist.
if (m_Instance == null)
// Need to create a new GameObject to attach the singleton to.
var singletonObject = new GameObject();
m_Instance = singletonObject.AddComponent();
singletonObject.name = typeof(T).ToString() + " (Singleton)";
// Make instance persistent.
return m_Instance;
private void OnApplicationQuit()
m_ShuttingDown = true;
private void OnDestroy()
m_ShuttingDown = true;
링크: http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/Singleton
2. Scene 로딩 시에 사라지게 할지 말지 결정 하는 DontDestroyOnLoad 함수 호출 여부를 설정 할 수 있는 싱글턴 예제코드
( private bool _persistent = true; )
public abstract class Singleton : Singleton where T : MonoBehaviour
#region Fields
private static T _instance;
// ReSharper disable once StaticMemberInGenericType
private static readonly object Lock = new object();
private bool _persistent = true;
#region Properties
public static T Instance
if (Quitting)
Debug.LogWarning($"[{nameof(Singleton)}<{typeof(T)}>] Instance will not be returned because the application is quitting.");
// ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
return null;
lock (Lock)
if (_instance != null)
return _instance;
var instances = FindObjectsOfType();
var count = instances.Length;
if (count > 0)
if (count == 1)
return _instance = instances[0];
Debug.LogWarning($"[{nameof(Singleton)}<{typeof(T)}>] There should never be more than one {nameof(Singleton)} of type {typeof(T)} in the scene, but {count} were found. The first instance found will be used, and all others will be destroyed.");
for (var i = 1; i < instances.Length; i++)
return _instance = instances[0];
Debug.Log($"[{nameof(Singleton)}<{typeof(T)}>] An instance is needed in the scene and no existing instances were found, so a new instance will be created.");
return _instance = new GameObject($"({nameof(Singleton)}){typeof(T)}")
#region Methods
private void Awake()
if (_persistent)
protected virtual void OnAwake() { }
public abstract class Singleton : MonoBehaviour
#region Properties
public static bool Quitting { get; private set; }
#region Methods
private void OnApplicationQuit()
Quitting = true;
3. 사용법
public class GameManager : Singleton<GameManager>
public int Score
// (Optional) Prevent non-singleton constructor use.
protected GameManager() { }
public class Player : MonoBehaviour
void Update()
if( Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) )
GameManager.Instance.Score ++;
Debug.Log( GameManager.Instance.Score.ToString() );
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